Darkwatch game hentai
Darkwatch game hentai

darkwatch game hentai

  • Face–Heel Turn: Tala halfway through the game.
  • Emergency Weapon: Every Darkwatch-issue weapon has wickedly-curved blades grafted on to it, expressly designed to cleave through the undead.
  • He's fond of jabbing Jericho with his cane and blames him for Cassidy's death.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: General Clay Cartwright.
  • Double Jump: Another beneficial side-effect of Jericho's condition.
  • Deflector Shields: The first vampiric power you obtain is the "Blood Shield." How it works is not explained, but you essentially have a Halo-like regenerating shield on top of non-regenerating health.
  • Dead Weight: The fat zombies (Oozers) come at you with dual meat cleavers and explode violently on death, so keep your distance.
  • Darkwatch Is Not Evil: But they're not too friendly and are fond of doing whatever it takes.
  • darkwatch game hentai

    Shortly after, he kills Tala and becomes the single vampire lord, riding off into the night to further spread his evil upon the world.

  • In the bad ending, Jericho rids himself from his humanity, sides with Tala and kills Cassidy.
  • However, the Darkwatch has sustained massive losses, their HQ has been razed to the ground and their future doesn't look very good. The Curse of the West is lifted, he reverts to a normal human and Cassidy ascends to Heaven with her mission accomplished.
  • In the good ending, Jericho stops Tala from reclaiming Lazarus' powers and continue his plans.
  • Bittersweet Ending / Downer Ending: Depending on how you play as Jericho.
  • Curiously, he is dispatched before the game's climax and Tala usurps his position in the good path, while Jericho becomes this in the evil path, with Cassidy serving as the Final Boss.
  • Big Bad: Lazarus, possibly of the entire setting.
  • It can easily become a Sniper Rifle when combined with Vein-o-Vision, though it doesn't hit as hard as the actual Sniper Rifle. It's found at the beginning of the second mission and is common from then on.
  • Boring, but Practical: The Blackfish carbine, a powerful repeating rifle with a generous ammunition capacity.
  • Body Armor as Hit Points: The "good" ability Mystic Armor invokes this.
  • Cassidy, until she's killed by Lazarus early on in the game and comes back as a ghost to guide Jericho.
  • Badass Normal: Jericho, very briefly before he gets bitten.
  • Badass Longcoat: Jericho, who trades in his tan duster for a Darkwatch-issue black leather one.
  • darkwatch game hentai

    Back from the Dead: Cassidy after being killed early on in the game.Jericho doesn't need to hit the target to do damage to it, which is useful in the cases of fast foes. Automatic Crossbows: One of the weapons Jericho can use is a crossbow that can use several bolts, and each is tipped with dynamite.Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Cassidy in the "good" ending.Applied Phlebotinum: How the Ghost Gates work.

    Darkwatch game hentai