The content while it is decent is NOT worth 60% of the games retail price.
You thought 20 dollars was a lot for an expansion? Try 40. Tons of content ripped from the base game. Some people disagree, but I find the game is much more fluent. It feels more polished than The Sims 3. Also the rewards are both easy to obtain and give better perks.
This may change if they continue to add in more expansions (Which c'mon we know they will).
The load times while more frequent are much faster. They can have conversations with several people at once and social events are timed and goals are clearly stated. Talking to other sims is so much more intuitive than The Sims 3. It's even worse when they add in a ton of microtransactions shoved in your face (Unless you turn the option off) It's one thing to have a bunch of xpacks and stuff packs that cost money. The Sims 3 store items are overpriced. However being a owner of all the expansions I can tell you that most of them while good are not even close to being essential for the game to be fun. The amount of DLC often scares people away. Also sims will be saying they are having a bad time and you're not entirely sure why because they'll be dancing, eating food and socializing. There is a lack of timers on events such as dates and parties. Expansions seem to make the load times longer which is a bummer. I have a fairly decent PC (albiet no SSD), but the only game I've seen with load times this long is The Sims 2 and Fallout 4. I'm talking at least 2-3 miuntes to load a world for the first time you start the game up. While load screens are not often they are EXTREMELY long. It's fun for both casuals and hardcore gamers alike. They add in new ways to play as well as many new locations, buildings, objects, etc. Most of the expansions (not stuff packs or store content) is worthwhile.
There is much to do and the replayability is extremely high. Even without custom content or DLC this game can be played for hundreds upon hundreds of hours.Create a style exists as a feature that allows you to change both the color and patterns on most objects and clothing articles.
Once you load in a map you can move to any building on it without loading screens.